Saturday night, my mom, my ween and I headed up to Allentown for the "East Coast Classic" stop of the DCI drum corp tour. It's been somewhat of a tradition these last few years - sitting in the bleachers reconnecting with our marching band days gone by. This time though, we also got to reconnect with the drum corp days gone by of the people sitting behind us. When I say "days gone by" - I mean DAYS GONE BY - they marched with Crossmen in 1982. I was ten in 1982. What made them even more endearing to us - was their North Jersey accents. They were priceless.
All in all the performances were good. Though our socks were definitely not blown off. As always, our first choice, was the Madison Scouts. The Scouts are an all male corp from Wisconsin and musically they reign supreme in our humble opinion. The Carolina Crown also deserve kudos for a performance that should have garnered them higher then fourth place. But in the drum corp world, as in figure skating, there are obvious judge favorites and very rarely is anyone shocked when the final scores are read.
In case anyone is interested. The results for the evening were:
Blue Devils - 95.550
Blue Coats - 92.350
Santa Clara Vanguard - 91.475
Carolina Crown - 88.550
Blue Knights - 88.350
Madison Scouts - 86.750
Spirit from JSU - 84.700
Crossmen - 80.825
South Wind - 76.150
Seattle Cascades - 74.425
Pacific Crest- 74.275
For those of you who don't know, participants "age out" of drum corp at age 21. For the last two years there was a particular individual in the post of drum major for one of the corps, who was sorely missed this year. So in his honor, one more time with feeling..."Jonathan Holmes...Is your corp ready?"
At one point this chill ran up my spine, and I didn’t know why. As fate would have it, this occurred at the very moment Inky was rolling her eyes at the Jersey folks behind you. I think we should call Time Life Books!!
Jon Holmes. . . giggle giggle. My eyes really got a work out. But, it was worth it. At least they didn't stink.
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