Thursday, September 28, 2006

This Wasn't a Good Idea The First Time Around...

Why on earth must the smart, attractive women of this great land buy into the resurrection of this horrible leggings and oversized sweater trend made famous in the 80's? All it does for me is fuel painful flashbacks to my junior high years when the trend came around the first time. Granted I believe the "leggings" I had were actually "stirrup pants" but the effect was the same. God bless my 12 or 13 year old sense of fashion, that thought white leggings and a long pastel pink and white striped tunic style top were all I needed to be the belle of the junior high school ball. I think that was the outfit I was wearing when I made the horrific revelation, once at the dance, that I had forgotten to put on my bra before leaving home. Not that I really needed it, but I was convinced everyone would look at me and know. Not a fun evening. Oh well, I can guarantee I will leave this fashion fad where it deserves to be - in the PAST!!

1 comment:

Angry Inky said...

God, the Limited got so much of Mom's money for those things. I thought I was the shit. Oh, if only we could relive those glory days.