Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Love Is Spelled the Same All Over the World: E-L-V-I-S!!

I'm in a celebratory mood. Graceland has been added to the list of National Landmarks. It joins the White House, Mount Vernon and Monticello in receiving the countries highest designation for historic properties. Every year more then 600,000 tourists visit Graceland to pay homage to the King. I'm happy to say that I have been there. My college roommate and B.F.F. Andrea and I made the pilgrimage and were two of 600,000 back in August of 1993. At the time the tour of the historic home was limited to the first floor because there was still some Aunt living upstairs. I believe the tour now includes upstairs rooms as well as downstairs ones. I suppose the fact that Elvis is buried on site is a major draw for a lot of people. My favorite parts of our visit to Graceland were seeing all of his fabulous jump suits and writing our names on the rock wall out front. It was a great time, I think everyone should go at least once.

1 comment:

Real Live Woman said...

I heard this on the Today show just before I left the house the other day. Good news indeed!